Save The Girl-A not-so-decent puzzle game

BY   31 Aug,2021

Recently, when I surfed the web on all major platforms, I always found ads for this game, and went to the app store to see one or two, the ranking was quite high, and the reviews were mixed, so curiosity drove me to download the game, Save The Girl.

Read the game description, this is a casual puzzle game, the plot is probably the player will be a very unlucky girl, will face a variety of dangers, according to their ability to understand to make the right judgment, use props to break through, so as to ensure safety. Simple, too like this type of game, so I could not wait to open the game.

When I played it ------

Although the game is indeed in line with the description is also very interesting but! The designer's brain and our brain is definitely not a subgenre of it! Because it is a kind of vicarious break-in game, so the player in the pass, it seems to choose the more reliable props in reality, in fact, often that looks borderline is the actual props, for example, in the game trapped in the sea, the lady is hungry, give you a fishing rod and harpoon, which one will you choose, normal people will choose the fishing rod, right, because the chance of fishing is a little bigger, fishing fork with bad also have to fall, however, when You choose the fishing rod, you will find a sea monster fell up, and then, the game failed, choose the harpoon, is actually summoning the god of the sea and thus get food feed, thank you, to me look silly are. There are also many examples of brainstorming, in short, there is no can not do only you can not think. Say yes to rescue the tender young lady it! You have become a werewolf in the moonlight, the persona collapsed, right?

And then go through the comments section, there are some players spit out the role of Miss painted really some ugly, for this, I can only say that really not long in my aesthetic point, and there is a very headache, the game is too much advertising, I can understand because most of the revenue because of the implantation of advertising, but this is too much, very much affect the human game experience.

But in general, although this game has many unsatisfactory places, but is always a relatively new and interesting game, you can still play to amuse yourself if you are bored, as the saying goes, I was born to be useful, the designer still has his design reasons, for example, if your home is on fire, what do you take first, towel, used to cover your mouth and nose. Fire when you can not see when you take a flashlight or matches it? These can be played when bored to save "Miss" to understand the basic common sense, if you do not want to see the ads, then turn off the wifi and data traffic on the line, the ads need to load the network, the game is a single player!